Klinic is inviting folks to submit a proposal to review the Klinic Human Resources Management policies and processes including the development of an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility Policy. Please submit your proposal electronically to the Executive Assistant, Sharlaine Glowatsky, sglowatsky@klinic.mb.ca by May 19, 2022.
Please find the requirements for the project and evaluation considerations below.
This request for proposals does not constitute a guarantee on the part of Klinic that a contract will be awarded. No payment will be made for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposal.
We are also seeking proponents through a separate RFP to assist us in reviewing and updating our Crisis Line Volunteer Program, please see RFP for Crisis Volunteer Program Revitalization for more information.
Klinic appreciates your consideration to support the work of our agency.
Request for Proposal – Review of HRM, Policies and Procedures – April 19 2022