Privacy Policy

Klinic is committed to protecting the privacy of those who use our site.

Klinic does not systematically collect any information about the identity of individuals searching our site. Klinic does collect statistical information through a log file which indicates which pages were visited and how frequently. This information is analyzed to help us develop content that respond to the interests of our site visitors.

Klinic’s website may use “Web Cookies”. A Web Cookie is a simple piece of text sent to your browser. It is not a virus, nor is it spyware. If you wish, you can choose to not accept the Web Cookie from websites and the search feature will still function. For more information on Web Cookies click here.

We invite you to write or email us, or from time to time we may ask you to complete a survey about the services we offer online. If you identify yourself in these communications with us we will never use your words in testimonials that identify you without your explicit prior permission.

Information submitted by users on a voluntary basis helps Klinic to evaluate our information, initiatives and services. Information provided by visitors to Klinic’s site is only used as needed to fulfill the stated purpose of their requests.

Klinic does not disclose, give, or sell any personal information about visitors to our site.

Internet technology develops and changes rapidly, requiring policies such as this one to be flexible and responsive to change. Consequently, any changes to Klinic’s privacy policy or any other legal statements will be posted and explained as they are put into effect.

Klinic is not responsible for the content or the legal or privacy policies of the Web sites to which it may link.